
These are some outline maps I have found that we can fill-in as we wish that do not require copyright permission.

     Spain formatted.JPG (44010 bytes)    Europe formatted.JPG (27092 bytes)


These are some maps I found on the web or in books, they will require copyright permission before we can publish anything with them. But I put them here for the working group to see and study to provide ideas about how we might like to present the information. We will eventually want, I think, to adopt a uniform format for all of our maps and timelines, but these here offer some ideas.

    map-spa.gif (13603 bytes)sp-150.gif (51629 bytes)Spain.jpg (219945 bytes)

    mexico.gif (46086 bytes)Mexico_rel97.jpg (301192 bytes)


The three maps following are used by kind permission from 

Mexico Connect at www.mexconnect.com 

    preclassic, Mexico connect.jpg (80346 bytes) classic Mexico.jpg (99673 bytes)  postclassic.jpg (90435 bytes)

    westhemi.gif (57301 bytes)